Ethanol (EOH)

In the chemical industry, ethanol is widely used as a solvent for substances used for medical or cosmetic purposes (e.g. fragrances, flavorings, coloring agents or medicines). It is also used as a starting substance for synthesis of further products such as carboxylic acids as well as disinfectants. Nowadays, ethanol is mainly obtained through fermentation of biomass. As a biofuel, so-called Bioethanol, ethanol is used as a form of energy.

Most common applications:

Alcoholic beverages

As feedstock for the chemical industry

Energy source/fuel

Other names:

Ethyl alcohol

Spirit of wine

Spiritus (denatured ethyl alcohol)


Alcohol (colloquial)

Hydroxyethane according to IUPAC nomenclature


Molecular formula:


CAS number


This information reflects the current state of our experience, however, this does not mean it guarantees certain properties of the product or its suitability for any specific purpose. This information does not absolve the user from the obligation of conducting the customary receiving inspection on acceptance of our products.

Brief description: clear, colorless, spicy-smelling and burnt-tasting, highly flammable, hygroscopic liquid
Molecular weight:
46.07 g•mol−1
Physical state: liquid

0.79 g / cm³ (20° C)

Melting point:

−114° C

Boiling point:

78° C

Vapour pressure:

58 hPa (20° C)

pKa value:



miscible with water, diethyl ether, chloroform, gasoline and benzene

Refractive index:


This information reflects the current state of our experience, however, this does not mean it guarantees certain properties of the product or its suitability for any specific purpose. This information does not absolve the user from the obligation of conducting the customary receiving inspection on acceptance of our products.