Acetic Acid 60%

Acetic acid (systematically named ethanoic acid) is a colorless, liquid, corrosive and typical-smelling carboxylic acid with the chemical formula CHO (half structural formula CHCOOH ). As a food additive it is known as E 260. In an aqueous solution, acetic acid is commonly known as “vinegar”, pure acetic acid is known as “glacial acetic acid”. The submerged process is the most common production form for biogenic acetic acid.


Most common applications:

Manufacture of acetic acid esters

Auxiliary agent in the textile industry

Cosmetic manufacture

Acidifier in foods

Preservative in foods

Other names:

Acidum aceticum (Latin)


Ethanoic acid

Glacial acetic acid (term for pure acid)

Ethane acid

Ethylic acid

Methane carboxylic acid

Methyl carboxylic acid


Molecular formula:


CAS number:


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Brief description: pungent-smelling liquid with a characteristic odor
Molecular weight:
60.05 g•mol −1
Physical state: liquid

1.05 g / cm³

Melting point:

17° C

Boiling point:

118° C

Vapour pressure:

16hPa (20° C)

pKa value:



fully miscible in water (20° C)

Refractive index:

1,371 (20° C)

This information reflects the current state of our experience, however, this does not mean it guarantees certain properties of the product or its suitability for any specific purpose. This information does not absolve the user from the obligation of conducting the customary receiving inspection on acceptance of our products.